Gary, you're willingness to break down Turmp's insane remarks over 10+ paragraphs just to arrive at the conclusion that he did not directly tell people to inject bleach therefore he's smart, actually, is ridiculous. You are such an embarassment.

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As you stated, an important lesson we can learn from childhood is that life isn't fair. We are not all dealt the same cards at birth. Some of us are smarter, some are prettier, some are healthier, some are luckier, and yes-some are wealthier. This is a universal truth. I remind my children often that life isn't fair. They need to hear this fact. It's not an excuse; instead, it's a challenge to make the most in life with the cards we are dealt. It appears that many Americans are denying this truth in favor of promoting the concept of leveling the playing field. Ironically, the fact remains that life is unfair regardless of political persuasion. There is no fairness in student loan forgiveness. It only fosters irresponsibility and breeds acrimony. I hope Biden's move will come back to bite him.

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