Aug 24, 2022Liked by Gary Abernathy

You were spot on Gary!! For those that will inevitable say that you spouted a bunch of "hokum" (technical term from Highland county), I am reminded of the the words "There are no so blind as those who will not see"

Keep up the good work sir, your words brighten my day and give me hope for my grandkids.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective. I couldn't agree with you more. I have a hunch we're not alone.

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Amazing. Absolutely everything you wrote is wrong.

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"Such high voter participation is a good thing, some will claim. In fact, it’s not. Making it so easy to vote as to be almost unavoidable is not good for society. It leads 2 people voting who otherwise have no interest in doing so, because they are typically 2 apathetic 2 care or know what they’re voting on...How much better would our government be if elections were decided by voters participating only because of their own sense of duty and patriotism, not because they were harassed by partisan operatives, or because the government ordered more drop boxes conveniently placed or millions of ballots mailed directly to homes?" Your evidence for these claims? Research? Or strictly your conjecture.

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Evidence? Research? Give me a break. It's common sense.

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This is so funny because it's the perfect encapsulation of conservatism. The evidence is contrary to your beliefs so you just hand wave it away and say "Common sense!".

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There is no evidence. I agree with Gary's assertion that citizens should exercise their voting rights out of a sense of civic responsibility, not because of harassment by political operatives and not because of government hand-holding. I don't need a rationale for my position. It is logical, common sense.

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